
Pastoral Care – Code of Practice

Provider code:7677

Self-Assessment Review (Summary) October 2024
Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021

SiS Training & Consulting Ltd’s mission and vision is to provide timely, effective and practical training and consulting services fit for purpose to the Aviation, Maritime and Seafood Industries. Its core values are Excellence, Trust, Appreciation and respect for all people we work with/for, quality of contractors, adaptability, financially sustainable with personnel who have a proven track record in their area of expertise. SiS is committed to practical, hands-on training with timely communication with existing and potential clients, excellent achievement rates and care and support of students.

SiS is committed to the Code of Practice and its implementation to ensure the best for its learners.

Code OutcomeSiS Self-Review2024 Self-Assessment
1 A learner well-being and safety system
(Strategic Goals and Strategic Plan – Documented Systems)
We have a comprehensive Business Plan and QMS system and have been rated a Category 1 Provider 2012, 2016 and 2021.
We believe that quality, safety, risk and reliability go hand in hand with effective leadership, strong organisational culture and a happy and empowered workforce. We strive to educate, to provide the best advice to lead and to inspire.
There is a full contacts list on the last page of the Training Handbook so that Learners can reach out for any support or give feedback at any time, and this includes the Business Owner’s email and phone number.
Well implemented
2 Learner Voice (How do we identify and raise concerns about the wellbeing, safety and behaviour of learners)It is the responsibility of the Managing Director with the assistance of the Administration Manager to ensure that the learner voice is reflected in practices. Being a small PTE ensures that the student voice is heard both informally through tutors and direct contact of the Managing Director and Admin; plus formally through course/tutor evaluations and graduate outcomes.
The Student Handbook has the full detail of how a student should raise a grievance. The philosophy of SiS is to work with the student to ensure a satisfactory outcome can be reached; however, it does recognise the need for more formal processes if this cannot happen. We have had no formal complaints raised. Any informal issues raised by students/tutors have been actioned.
Well implemented
3 Safe inclusive, supportive and accessible physical and digital learning environment
(How do we provide a safe environment both in terms of physical environment and inclusive communities; and ensure learner participation and engagement?)
Our policy on candidate guidance and support systems (policy 12) ensures that all candidates have appropriate support and guidance in order to meet their learning goals. The support and guidance needs of students are identified by either the candidate themselves, their employer/supervisor, or the SiS trainer/assessor with whom they are working.
SiS follows its policies on Harassment (policy 15) and Complaints (policy 14) acknowledging the importance of having an accessible complaints procedure for any client or recipient of service to express their complaint, receive a fair and systematic response and participate in any remedies arising from a complaint which is upheld.
All of SiS programmes are competency based and work-place related, with tutors are working closely with the students and can therefore give information feedback, guidance as the course progresses.

SiS will continue with its continuous improvement in relation to diverse learner groups.
4 Learners are safe and well
(How do we provide information for learners about assistance, promoting health awareness, proactive monitoring and responding to wellbeing and safety practices)
Policy 9 covers Health and Safety of Learners. SiS’s training is focused on practical, project-based teaching and learning practices aligned to the relevant Industry employability.
Our practical courses ensure that students see the benefits of gaining new skills which are directly related to the employment rather than some type of theory which may have no relevance to what they are currently doing or may be doing in the future. Our training is designed to give a student confidence in what they do by ensuring that knowledge is relatable to their work, includes performing activities which develops a better understanding and is more interesting, and therefore more likely to be retained and in turn will improve their skills.
Record of Critical Incidents for 2023 - zero
OverallOur course completion results show that SiS is successful both in terms of student success and also in providing what is needed by students.
The lack of student complaints/grievances shows that we are effectively listening and supporting our students in order for them to complete their courses.
Permanent SiS staff and ongoing contract staff are informed and aware of the requirements of the code.
Well implemented

SiS is not signatory to the Code of Practice for International students and does not provide student accommodation

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