
NZQA/TEC Enrolment

SIS Training & Consulting

The purpose of this online enrolment is to obtain from you the information we need to enrol you into a qualification at our organisation. We also need to collect information from you which is required by government agencies for statistical and registration reasons.

Please complete this online enrolment by:

• Completing all sections.
• Answering all questions clearly or by ticking the box that applies for multi-choice questions.
• Uploading all verification documentation required for government funding purposes. Details of the required documentation is provided here. here.

Personal details
Citizenship and Residency
You may need to supply evidence of citizenship and residence.
Please specify your Country of Citizenship (For students with dual citizenship, specify the country of citizenship of the passport used to enter New Zealand.):
* Always use 00 for New Zealand Citizen; use 00 for New Zealand resident visa holder and Australian Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident residing in New Zealand during the time studying this qualification.
** Use 06 for a student enrolled in a programme of study that is: A PhD (level 10 on the NZQF); and Wholly research (for example, 120 point thesis)
Use 03 for an international student enrolled in a programme of study that is a Masters (level 9 on the NZQF) or a Doctoral Programme, excluding PhDs (level 10 on the NZQF ).
You may tick up to three boxes, which apply to you.
You may enter more than one Iwi.
If you do not know your Iwi, please enter 'Don't Know'.
Note: please use the 2019 iwi codes published on STEO website
What was your MAIN activity or occupation in New Zealand at 1 October 2019?
Academic Information
Your highest achievement may be a “traditional” award such as School Certificate, or you may have achieved a number of credits or a National Certificate at a certain level on the National Qualifications Framework.
Your NZQA Record of Achievement shows you the standards, credits and qualifications you have achieved.
Select only one
Will this be the first time you have ever enrolled in a University, Institute of Technology Polytechnic, Institute of Technology College of Education, Industry Training Organisation, Government Training Establishment, Private Training Establishment or Wānanga either in New Zealand or overseas since leaving school?
Name and Date
Tertiary education organisation
Month and year of completion
You can select multiple files from your computer, or upload files individually.
Please ensure each document is no larger than 2MB

Read details on documentation for enroment in full here.

Please details here all documents that you have uploaded with to this enrolment. If you have trouble uploading please Contact us
Would you like information about the learning resources and services available to you?
Disabilty support
This information will remain confidential. Disability Services will use this information to discuss with you the most appropriate support to meet your specific needs.
Bank details
Bank Branch Account Number Suffix Name of Bank Name of Branch Town City
Fees and Payment
If you are enrolling in a programme of study leading to the award of a qualification, full details of your fees will be included in the Letter of Offer. Payment can be made Cash at our office or by direct credit (online banking) If you are paying by cash, you can do so at the SISNZ office If Paying by Direct Credit Go into your online banking site and pay your fees into SISNZ ANZ account: 06-0958-0153507-00 Make sure you include the following payment information:
  • Particulars – student name
  • Code – invoice number (if known)
  • Reference – SISNZ Student ID number (if known)
How do you intend to pay your fees (please tick one)

*Contact your local Work and Income office. You must complete the enrolment first and submit your SISNZ invoice to Work and Income for payment. If your TIA application is not approved by WINZ and you wish to continue with your enrolment, you are liable for all fees invoiced to you.
** Please attach a letter or purchase order number from the organisation/company paying your fees to that effect. If for any reason the organisation/company does not pay your fees you are still liable for all fees invoiced to you.

Contact Details

Please read the page on Privacy and Terms & Conditions here

Declaration – I declare that to the best of my knowledge all the information supplied on, and with, this enrolment form is true and complete, I agree to abide by the conditions described above, and I consent to the disclosure of personal information as described above.
Please sign below, using your mouse or finger.
Signature is required.
reCAPTCHA is required.
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