
Specialised Training

SiS Training & Consulting Limited provides efficient and effective, customised training packages that benefit the employer and satisfy the employee. Facilitators with a wide range of industry experience present information in a down to earth manner that is always applicable and relevant to the learner’s workplace.

SiS Training & Consulting works in a partnership with industry to determine staff training needs. As well as designing and supplying non-qualification based training to meet the requirements of a specific workplace, SiS Training & Consulting delivers and assesses New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) Unit Standards to Level 6.

Training packages are flexible and can be tailored to suit a specific company’s needs or be offered as a generic programme attended by a range of companies. Similarly training packages can be developed for all levels of personnel from factory floor to management.

Examples of some specialised training packages being offered currently include:

SiS Training & Consulting also provides after training support to ensure a smooth transition for staff as they become familiar with new responsibilities or changes in their employment situation.

2024 Skipper Restricted Limits (SRL) Training open.
We are taking bookings for our 2024 Skipper Restricted Limits course.
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SMS Training 2024.
We are happy to announce our 2024 SMS Training Schedule.
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NZQA approved Category One Education provider.
This is the highest ranking that can be given by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) in their External Evaluation Reviews (EER).
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SMS – Real people, real stories.
Feeling like some inspiration from aviation businesses that are using SMS to best effect? Take a look at “Real people, real stories” for examples of SMS in action from the aviation community.
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NZ Certificates in Seafood Processing.
Investment in staff training will improve your productivity and the quality of your seafood, from the ocean to the plate.
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